
菠菜网lol正规平台在乎 is here to provide assistance when you need it most. 我们提供资源 and services for 菠菜网lol正规平台 students facing unexpected financial crises. 如果你有 trouble paying for food, housing or other bills, come to us to get the help you need.

Request assistance now and we'll contact you to discuss next steps, 资格, 以及可能的校园 社区资源.



Are you finding yourself struggling to afford food while attending 菠菜网lol正规平台? 你不是 alone. The most recent Student Affairs survey found that approximately half of 菠菜网lol正规平台 学生们有时会因为费用问题而不吃饭.

The good news is 菠菜网lol正规平台在乎 has two great programs to help: 

These programs can help you get the food you need to focus on your education. 此外, 还有很多其他的 食物资源 可在校园和周边社区.


As a student, you may find yourself unexpectedly homeless if you lack stable, regular 以及充足的住房. You may be homeless if 你在生活 in shelters, parks, motels or cars, or temporarily couch-surfing with other people because you have nowhere else to go. 

If 你在生活 in any of these situations because you are fleeing an abusive parent or guardian, you may be considered homeless even if they would provide support and 一个居住的地方. Or you may have an unexpected eviction, fire or other disaster where 你在生活. 

An 菠菜网lol正规平台 student was fearing eviction as she was nearing the end of her degree. A crucial step in her Financial Aid process meant a potential delay in her loans being released. After contacting 菠菜网lol正规平台在乎 and meeting with a case manager, 她能够与财政援助办公室协调. 她的援助被释放了 time for her to pay her rent and remain securely housed in her apartment. 学生 successfully finished her semester and remains on track to finish her Bachelor's degree 根据她的教育和职业规划.

在硅谷,住房不安全是一个真正的问题. Please 联络菠菜网lol正规平台关怀中心 如果你在紧急情况下!


Skipping an urgent medical or dental appointment because a lack of resources or insurance 会导致不健康的情况吗. 意料之外的医疗费用会对你造成严重影响 学生每月的预算.

A new graduate student who had dental work found out he owed more to the dentist's office due to a miscommunication about his dental insurance coverage. 担心 having enough money for rent and food, he met with the 菠菜网lol正规平台在乎 case manager. Together they made sure that he was accessing every available financial aid opportunities. They also identified additional 食物资源 the student could use, and a local non-profit the student could contact for help responding to his remaining debt.

联络菠菜网lol正规平台关怀中心 to find out what resources are available to help you pay for medical bills or insurance. 我们想帮助你保持健康!


Students share with us when they may have been a victim of a crime such as theft or burglary, or of a natural disaster like fire or flood, which has negatively affected 他们在校园取得成功的能力.

In the aftermath of the Fall 2017 California wildfires, numerous Spartans whose families lived in the affected areas reached out to 菠菜网lol正规平台在乎 for assistance. 上海大学的关怀 case manager was able to connect one student with Spartan Shops and the campus bookstore to get replacements for required textbooks lost in the fire. 和其他同学一样 were able to receive emergency assistance funding to replace clothing and other items critical to attending and completing assignments for classes that semester.

如果你遇到任何紧急情况, 联络菠菜网lol正规平台关怀中心 寻找支持和资源.



Feeling overwhelmed with your ability to pay for housing, food, or other basic needs? Would you like a safe space to explore these life challenges? 加入我们公开对话, identify additional solutions, and reduce stigma on accessing resources.  



我们的校园有两种主要的服装援助选择. 一件日常穿 & for 职业服装.

The 衣服的衣橱, operated by the Office of Sustainablity, is designed to help alleviate two major issues: massive waste generated annually by discarded clothing, and students, faculty 以及无法满足基本需求的工作人员. 访问他们的 website 预约. Let us know if you are unable to find an appointment and 有更迫切的需求吗.

The 职业生涯的衣橱, operated by the Career Center, has a focus on providing students with free professional clothing and up to one full professional outfit per academic year.  这可以帮助 比如面试、招聘会等.  访问他们的 website 预约. 


California Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

The California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) promotes the health of low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding people, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious food to supplement diets, information on healthy eating including breastfeeding promotion 支持和转介到医疗保健. 如果你有加州医保, CalWORKs (TANF)或CalFresh (SNAP)福利. WIC欢迎军人家属,移民 families, fathers, foster parents and legal guardians with eligible children. 参与 in the WIC program does not affect the immigration status of anyone currently in the U.S. 使用WIC资格评估工具 看看你是否符合条件. 在你附近的WIC当地机构安排一次约会. Visit the website for WIC families to find a WIC local agency site near you.


Multiple community based agencies indicate that they have assistance with diapers 通过他们的项目. Knowing that our students live in many communities it is best to 根据您的位置搜索尿布帮助.



The 斯巴达食品储藏室 offers menstrual hygiene products for its users. 有关资格,请参阅食品储藏室网站.

For general locations of free sanitary products on campus visit the 性别平等中心卫生用品页面.



如果你有工作,收入较低,你可能有资格获得 加州劳动所得税抵免 (CalEITC). 这个抵免给你退款或减少你所欠的税款. 提交你的州 申请这项抵免需要纳税申报表.


你有6岁以下的孩子吗? 如果您符合CalEITC(见上文)和 have a child under the age of 6, you may also qualify for a refundable tax credit 最高可达1000美元 幼儿税收抵免 (YCTC)! If you qualify, you may see a reduced tax bill or a bigger refund. Use 这个计算器 看看你是否符合条件 and estimate the amount of your credit. 提交州税 要求退货方可申请此信用证.